What we do
With the rapid emergence of new technologies and ways of collecting spatial data, the terms Geographical Information Science (GISc), geospatial, geoinformatics and other ‘geo’ related terms are gaining traction. These 'geo' terms are used interchangeably in many parts of the world, including in South Africa. At the core, these terms refer to the gathering, storing, processing, modelling, management and/or the analyzing of spatial data or geographically referenced data using various techniques and technologies. Simply put, they refer to data referenced to the surface of the earth and transformed to meaningful information using various techniques for informed decision-making, resource management and administration systems among other things.
From the olden days of using electronic distance measuring instruments to total stations and other modern techniques such as the use of satellite-based systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS) / Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), laser scanners, drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), data collection has become easier and faster however, geomatics professionals remain responsible for the collection and transforming of reliable and accurate spatial data into meaningful information for various uses such as in development & infrastructure projects, securing rights in property and resource management to mention a few.
At Tau Tona Geomatics, we rely on cutting edge technology coupled with years of professional experience to render the following services:

Cadastral surveying is a branch of land surveying that deals with the establishment of rights in property through the process of surveying and demarcation of land for the purpose of registration in a land register at the Deeds Office.
Common types of cadastral surveys include:
• Property subdivisions and/or consolidations
• Servitude creation
• Beacon relocation
• Land Survey Certificates, etc
Before the registration of property rights in a land register at the Deeds Office, all cadastral surveys must be approved by the Chief-Surveyor General through the Surveyor General’s Office and there's one in each province.

Sectional title surveys are unique in that they allow for the ‘cutting-up’ of buildings to allow for individual ownership of parts of such buildings commonly known as sections. This can be residential buildings in the form of blocks of flats, commercial buildings such as business parks or industrial properties.
Certain areas in the sectional title scheme such as parking lots, garages or garden areas are reserved for exclusive use by individual owners while areas such as passage ways, swimming pools and braai areas are for common use.
A Sectional Plan can only be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor or Architect who has passed a special examination and registered as a Sectional Title Practitioner however; a sheet of the Sectional Plan showing the positioning of the building in relation to the land, known as the Block Plan, can only be prepared by a registered Professional Land Surveyor registered with the South African Geomatics Council.

Engineering surveying refers to a category of the geomatics profession that deals with surveys in civil engineering projects such as the construction of buildings, highways, railways, water reservoirs and bridges.
Engineering surveys serve the needs of development in the construction sector throughout the project life-cycle.
The most common types of engineering surveys are:
• Earthwork and/or stockpile calculations
• Topographical surveys
• Monitoring surveys
• Digital Terrain Models (DTMs)
• Pipeline and route surveys
• As-built surveys
Each engineering survey is unique depending on the type of project.

GIS is a widely-used acronym for ‘Geographic Information System’ or ‘Geographical Information Science (GISc)’ as it is increasingly becoming known. There is no single comprehensive definition of what GIS or GISc is but location is the key element in all the definitions. In its basic form, a GIS allows the user to visualize spatial data on a paper map or a computer screen.
While GIS answers the question of 'what?' and 'where?', GISc deals with the 'how?'. This involves data management, visualization, modelling and spatial analysis. The two can however be used interchangeably.
GIS is a multifaceted discipline that can be applied to any database that has a geographic component to it. Governments, companies and civil organizations in the world around are using GIS in disaster management, humanitarian missions, to communicate, perform analysis, influence decision making and solve complex challenges.
We build custom desktop and/or web-based GIS systems and create fit-for-purpose map products.

In terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, (Act No. 28 of 2002), applications made to the Minister of Mineral Resources for prospecting, exploration and/or the mining of mineral resources require the draughting of prospecting, exploration and/or mining rights plans by a Professional Land Surveyor.

Apart from our flagship geospatial services, we offer tailored solutions according to client requirements.
The most common type requests are:
• Historical Analysis
We source an archive of historical photographs and topographic maps to assist in establishing possible evidence of past human activity or habitation.
• Property Status Reports
We compile comprehensive reports with relevant spatial information relating to property including full property description and history, ownership history, zoning information, aerial imagery overlay, etc..
• Positioning (GPS / GNSS) Advisory Service
If you or your organization is intending to purchase a Global Positioning System (GPS) or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for personal use, recreational purposes or for business purposes but you are not sure of the type of set to purchase, we offer ad-hoc consulting services on GPS and/or GNSS types and their applications.
To request a service, please contact us at the details below or click on the button below to fill in our geo-location enabled client contact form.
Get in touch:
- Cape Town
- Durban
Contact Details:
- (+27) 31 940 1201 or (+27) 61 288 2051 (WhatsApp)
- admin@tautonageomatics.com
Working Hours:
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 17:00 PM
- Saturdays: 09:00 - 14:00
- Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed