Professional Land Surveyors
Sectional Title Practitioners
Engineering & Construction Surveyors
GIS & Mapping Consultants
Mine Prospecting Diagrams & Mining Plan Specialists

Welcome to Tau Tona Geomatics

We pride ourselves with rendering professional and tailored geo-spatial solutions to all our clients. We are innovation-driven and our professional team is experienced and registered with the relevant regulating bodies. 

Our Mission

To be the catalyst for data-driven and value-added geospatial solutions.

Our Vision

We aim to render professional services for reliable, accurate and organized spatial information that is easily accessible and understandable for efficient development, management and administration systems in the built-environment and related fields.

Our Values & Beliefs

To us, values and beliefs are guiding principles that help us differentiate between what is morally right and wrong. These values and beliefs stem from what is important and matters most and we build on this understanding to contribute positively to our vision and mission statements.

What this means to us:

Diversity - Suspend judgement and acknowledge other perspectives
Commitment - Be accountable and deliver on promises
Integrity - Always demonstrate the highest moral and ethical standards
Respect - Be considerate through actions and attitude
Teamwork - Support each other to achieve goals 


As a business, we are committed to meeting the needs of our stakeholders including contributing to the development of our employees. This is done through displaying the highest standards of ethical conduct and institutional integrity.

We achieve this through client satisfaction, improving the quality of life of our employees and the communities in which we operate.

To this effect, our business strategy lies in the following key areas: 

  • Innovative & client-centered solutions
  • Values-based business practices
  • Professional and technical expertise
  • Bringing innovation, technology and the human-touch together